Computer Controlled Cutting

I was tasked to create a wooden box using Fusion360. The following were the steps I took to get my finished product.

STEP 1: First, I assigned parameters for the dimensions of the box. This is so that it would be easier to adjust the size of the box if the need arises.

STEP 2: Next, I started by sketching a rectangle and adjusting it according to the parameters from the previous step.

STEP 3: Next, I added lines at the side of the rectangle to form the fingers and thickness of the box. I also adjusted the distances to fit what I have stated in the parameters from the first step.

STEP 4: Next, I exrtuded the sketch that I have just made in the previous step, to a thickness of 3mm to make it 3D. I repeated steps 2 to 4 for the opposite side of the box.

STEP 5: Next, I created one side for the box similar to what I did from step 2 to 4. The main difference was that there would be a hole near the top to fit in the lid. I repeated this step to create the opposite side of the box.

STEP 6: Moving on to the lid, the lid was made with a rectangle and add 2 small fingers to each side of the rectangle as holders to fit into the hole that we made for the sides of the small box.

STEP 7: Lastly, the base would be created using a rectangle and then repeating step 2 to 4 followed by combining all the tool bodies which are the 4 sides of the box into the target body which would be the base (rectangle) using the 'cut' operation.

STEP 8: Next it is time to print out the design. The following is how the box looks like after printing.

Fusion 360 design file for the small box: small box design.f3d

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